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National Theatre Lagos

The Lagos Mixed-Use Project Master Plan incorporates approximately 70 hectares of land around the National Theater in the historical center of Lagos. Surrounded on the west by dense neighborhoods and on the east by a major elevated highway, the site is a tranquil spot within the bustling city. Into this potentially dynamic area, the Master Plan program consists of a new Cultural & Entertainment district, a Resort Hotel, a Business Hotel, an Office Development, a Regional Shopping Center, a Waterpark, and several large usable Green Zones. All uses are meant to be complimentary to the existing National Theater’s present and future program. In addition to the new uses suggested above, the main feature of the Master Plan is a new water feature in the form of an undulating navigable River at the heart of the overall development. Along this new River, pedestrians stroll or float past numerous venues for Cultural Events, Street Retail, and Entertainment. The River continues to organize the Business Hotel and all the Office Blocks. The site is extremely well served by the existing road network and a new public transportation hub. The new elevated Monorail line bisects the site from east to west, stopping near the National Theater to bring thousands of visitors to the immediate area. A divided boulevard bisects the site from north to south, connects with the surrounding road network, providing access to all parcels within the Master Plan. The Regional Shopping Mall is placed directly adjacent to the Monorail Station in order to take advantage of the thousands of visitors that will arrive by public transportation. Next to the Mall is the Waterpark which has great synergy with the offer of the Mall and is a great draw for family entertainment to the overall site. The site has tremendous open space for use by the visiting public. In addition to the lengthy River, two substantial Green Zones are created to form a buffer between the elevated Highway along the east and the rest of the development. One Green Zone includes a Great Lawn for outdoor events such as concerts and festivals while the other Green Zone is devoted primarily to Sports Fields and outdoor physical activity. Parking throughout the site is primarily on grade, serving individual parcels and uses as necessary. Structured parking adjacent to the Monorail Station provides spaces that may be shared by Park & Ride participants and Shopping Mall visitors. Primary parking for the Shopping Mall is found along its southern façade.

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